
Stuck on the Ground?

You just got

1 Month of FREE

Handstand Classes!

Stuck on the Ground?

For a limited time join ShellyFLEX Athletics Open-Level Handstands and Inversions Membership for FREE and tune into any of the following weekly class times:

Mondays 5pm

Tuesdays 1pm EST

Thursdays 10am EST

Fridays 4pm EST

Select Saturdays 10am EST

🍏 Nutrition With Mira Tuzlak: Fueling Your Flight 🍏

Transform your relationship with food and fitness across 8 lessons, empowering you to nourish your body for peak performance and wellness.

🚫 Injury Prevention and Pain Relief with Dr. Bobby Mozafari: Your Safety Net 🚫

A 35-lesson masterclass designed to arm you with knowledge and exercises to prevent injuries, relieve pain, and make your practice safe and spectacular.

💑 Partner Fitness and Acrobatics: Double the Fun, Double the Fitness 💑

Add a sprinkle of fun, connection, and teamwork to your routine with 103 lessons on partner acrobatics, conditioning, and playful challenges.

🎉 Special Offer: Just $147! 🎉

© 2024 ShellyFLEX Athletics. All Rights Reserved.

Privacy Policy[email protected]

DISCLAIMER: Flexibility, Hand-Balancing, and Contortion training provides great benefits, but only you know your own body and limits. Like any exercise, please consult your health care professional with any questions or concerns before starting any exercise program. When participating in any exercise or exercise program, there is the possibility of physical injury. Not all exercises in our videos are suitable for all persons.The creators of ShellyFLEX Athletics, which includes all videos, classes, programs, marketing materials, and all accompanying materials are not liable for any injury, accident, or health impairment befalling and viewer of these programs, or any individual utilizing the techniques suggested in this course. ShellyFLEX Athletics is not a licensed medical care provider and represents that it has no expertise in diagnosing, examining, or treating medical conditions of any kind, or in determining the effect of any specific exercise on a medical condition.